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Leanne M

Leanne has been a working actor for 20 years with jobs across theatre, film, TV & commercials. She’s always been drawn to the voice and it’s many capabilities and facets. Being a lover of accents her film roles have seen her perform with Russian & US accents, she can also do French and British accents.

You may have spotted Leanne in dozens of ads from McCafe to Pine O’Cleen. She’s voiced ads for Dominos & KFC, and the news anchor role in Aussie film, The Bet. Most recently Leanne has voiced radio ads for Suttons City and Golden West Automotive as well as online campaigns for SCR Recycling, WaterAid, MineWare and eCanteen to name a few.

Note: This voice artist is not signed to any voice actor agency as yet and is seeking experience, and exposure to better their chance of securing representation. It is our belief that this voice is of the highest standard and we welcome all agents to approach us directly to sign them.


Katherine H


Suzan S