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Jahne C

Jahne entered the voice-over world after many years working as a professional actor, commencing the journey by training with King Sound Studios. So far her career highlight was being flown to London to work on a prestigious contract for a multinational (but top-secret) company. Jahne's voice can be heard on the radio, TV commercials, online and on streaming services. Companies Jahne has worked with include Metlife Protect, Newcastle Permanent, Professionals Real Estate, Ribs & Burgers, Sutton's, Zone Bowling, Thoughtworks Live, Spotify and Fantastic Furniture along with various corporate clients.

Note: This voice artist is not signed to any voice actor agency as yet and is seeking experience, and exposure to better their chance of securing representation. It is our belief that this voice is of the highest standard and we welcome all agents to approach us directly to sign them.


Marni D


Romney S